Terminalia nitens C.Presl

Family: Combretaceae

Other name: dalinsi (Tagalog, magtalishai (Bikol), anegep (Iloko), kalaotit (Igorot).

Description: Terminalia nitens is a large, evergreen tree that can grow up to 50 meters high. It can be found throughout the Philippines in primary forests at low to medium elevation. The plant is classified as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(2013).

Uses: The tree is a source of tannins and wood for construction materials and wood craft.


Family: Phyllanthaceae

Other name: wild cherry (Engl.), Isip (Pamp.), bignay-kalabaw (Tag.)

Uses: Fruits made into jam, fermented into vinegar, wine and brandy. Leaves when young are edible, eaten raw, source of calcium and fair source of iron. Leaves decoction is used for anemia and hypertension. Juice of fruits used for heart disease. Fruit is a source of blue dye.



Family: Ebenaceae

Other name: sea ebony(Engl.), kanomoi (Bik.), kamami (Tag.) sweet calamus (Engl.)

Uses: The fruit and bark contain an anaesthetic substance. Wood is used for furniture, rifle butts, pole and posts.


Family: Bignoniaceae

Other name: bueng (Pamp.), dalaw (Ilk.), lubigan (Tag., Bis.), sweet calamus (Engl.)

Uses: Ornamental.



Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: white meranti, yellow lauan (Engl.)

Uses:  Wood is used in furniture, fittings, construction and plywood. 


Family: Bignoniaceae

Othe name: kalupuing(Tag.), Pata del monto (Tag.), Lowland fox-glove tree (Engl.)

Description: It is an evergreen tree that grows up to 40 meters high  found in lowland primary to secondary forests up to 1,600 meters of altitude.

Uses: The wood is used to make match-boxes and match-sticks. Makes for good ornamental plant.


Family: Capparaceae

Other name: banugan (Bis.),salingbobog (Bis., Tag.) (Tag.), spider plant (Engl.)

Description: A small, slow-growing deciduous tree that grow up to 9 meters high. This species has a wide distribution from India to the Pacific Islands.

Uses: Fruit is used as spice with a taste like garlic. Leave used to increase appetite and assist digestion, increase bile secretion and as laxative. Ornamental.


Family: Ebenaceae

Other name: kabag (Isab.) talang gubat (Tag.)

Description: An evergreen medium-sized tree grows up to 23 meters high. Found in lowland mixed in dipterocarp forest.

Uses: Fruits are edible. Bark and Leaves used as blistering plasters, leaves decoction used for fever, asthma and diabetes. Considered best commercial black ebony.


Litsea philippinensis Merr.

Family: Lauraceae

Other name: batsan (Tagalog)

Description: Litsea philippinensis is a medium-sized evergreen tree that can grows up to 20 meters high. Found throughout the Philippines in primary forest at low and medium altitudes.

Uses: Wood used for light construction.



Hopea plagata (Blanco) Vidal.

Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: lipgai (Ilk.), kamantala (Tag.), apurao (Zambales), balato (Bohol)

Description: A large evergreen tree  that grows up to 55 m tall. Classified as 'Critically Endangered' in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2013.

Uses: Wood produces high quality lumber.



Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: lipgai (Ilk.) kamantala(Tag.) apurao (Zambales)

Description: A medium-sized to large tree grows up to 36 m high. Commonly widespread in evergreen dipterocarp forest up to 600 m altitude.

Uses: Wood is used for bridges and heavy construction for which wood of great strength is required.  


Shorea contorta S.Vidal.

Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: anas, apait, kakulau, (Ilk.) hagit (Bik.), malaanonang (Tag.)

Description: A  large tree reaching up to 50 meters high. It is common and widely distributed in provinces in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao in lowland forests. Classified as 'Critically Endangered' in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2010.

Uses: Wood is used for general construction furniture and cabinet making, boat planking, mining timbers, and papermaking. It is also used to make boxes, crates, utensils, and veneer plywood.


Family: Ehretiaceae

Other name: itsa (Ilk.), forest tea (Engl.),  mara-mara (Bis)

Description: A very branched shrub grows up to 4 meters high. Commonly found in Northern Luzon, Palawan and Mindanao grows in secondary forests at low to medium altitudes.

Uses: Leaves are used as tea. Fruits are edible.



Family: Lecythidaceae

Other name: Philippine rosewood (Engl.),  magtalisai (Phil.)

Description: Toog is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 30 meters or more high. Dense in primary lowland forests. Endemic in Mindanao, Leyte, Samar, Negros, Masbate and surrounding islands.

Uses: Seeds are edible. Leaves are used to treat skin rashes.  Wood is used for beams, joists, rafters; posts above stumps; flooring, sheathing, ceiling; furniture and cabinetworks.



Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: malagiso (Tag), balagayan (Mangyan)

Description: A large tree up to 50 meters high, endemic to the Philippines.

Uses: Wood is used for furniture, panelling, joinery, furniture, cabinet work, carpentry, flooring, stairs, boxes and crates, veneer and ship building.



Family: Byttneriaceae

Other name: bikong (Ilk.), panampat (Pamp.), taag (Tag.)

Description: A  medium sized tree growing up to 15 meters high with a dense rounded crown. Common in dense secondary forests and deserted clearings at low to medium altitudes throughout the Philippines.

Uses: Young leaves, sprouts, and flowers eaten as vegetable. Decoction of leaves used for scabies and itching and all forms of dermatitis. Crush leaves rubbed on forehead to relieve headache. Straight branches used for making ornamental pieces, house rafters, and pole.


Family: Sterculiaceae

Other name:bangat (Zambales), marakapas (Ilk.), tagungtungan (Bis.)

Description: A medium to large tree sometimes reaching 50 meters in height. Usually scattered in tropical evergreen to moist mixed deciduous lowland forest but may extend to lower montane forest at 1000 meters altitude.

Uses: Wood is used for light construction.


Family: Combretaceae

Other name: bangkaluang; dalinsi; magtalisay (Tag.) 

Description: talisay-gubat is an evergreen tree with an irregular but compact it can grow up to 45 meters high.  Observed in dense primary forests, growing hillsides and ridges  with on clayey to sandy soils at the elevations up to 200 meters.

Uses:  Wood is used for house construction, cabinet works and making bancas. Bark yields a yellow dye.


Family:  Primulaceae

Other name: kolen (Ilk.), katagpo (Pamp., Tag.), shoebutton ardisia (Engl.)

Description: A small tree of about 10 meters high Common in primary forests at low and medium up to 1,000 meters altitude. Endemic to the Philippines.

Uses:  The fresh leaves are applied to the head for headache. Decoction of young leaves or fresh roots are used for cleansing ulcers and infected wounds. 


Palaquium foxworthyi Merr.

Family: Sapotaceae

Other name: fullon, falluha bulon (Ifugao)

Description: A large tree that can  grow up to 45 meters high. Dense in primary forests.
Near threatened based on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Uses: Wood used for furniture, paneling, joinery, flooring, light carpentry, molding and veneer.



 Family: Rubiaceae


Atuna racemosa Rafin.

Family: Chrysobalanaceae

Other name: botga (Philippines)

Uses: The inner bark is used to treat high blood pressure. The timber is used for posts, poles, light construction and canoe spars.



Family: Annonaceae

Other name: hilagak (Tag.), allagat (Ilk.),  kalak (Indonesia).

Uses: Fruits are edible.  Root and wood decoction is used to treat intermittent fever and after childbirth. Bark has medicinal properties.



Family: Phyllanthaceae

Other name: kanderi besar (Indonesia)

Uses: Leaves decoction is used to treat skin itchiness.  The timber is  used in house posts and small tools handle. 


Family: Fabaceae

Other name: yellow flame tree (Engl.) copperpod (Engl.) soga (Indonesia)

Uses: Flowers used to induce sleep and treatment for insomnia. Bark used for dysentery, as eye lotion and embrocating for pains and sores. Leaf decoction used for skin disorders. Bark used for Tannin and Dyestuff. leaves use as fodders and source of green manure.




Family: Burseraceae

Other name: malapili (Polillo Is.),  milipili (Bik.), Manila elemi (Engl.)

Uses: The seed kernels are used for food, both raw and cooked.  Its essential oil has medicinal properties.


Family: Burseraceae

Other name: Philippine nut,  galip nut (Engl.), pilauai (Tag.)

Description: Medium-sized to large reaching up to 30 meters.

Uses: Pili nut kernel and pulp are edible. Resin (Manila elemi). Pharmaceutical and industrial uses.



Pangium edule Reinw.

Family: Salicaceae

Other name: football fruit (Engl.)



Family: Apocynaceae

Other name: halibutbut, sakang-manuk (Bik.), pandakaki-puti (Tag.) banana bush (Engl.)

Uses: Leaves used to treat itchy skins lesions. Leaf juice applied for wound.


Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: duyong (Ilk.) lauan-puti (Tag.), apis-apis (N. Ecija)

Uses: The trunk is the source of a resinous oil known as 'Palosapis oil' used as an illuminant for varnishing, and for caulking boats. Wood used for flooring, boxes and crates, interior paneling, joinery, turnery and veneer.


Family: Hypericaceae

Other name: guyong-guyong (Tag.),  ugingan (Ilk.),  biro (Negros.)

Uses: Decoction of roots, leaves, and bark is given to women after giving birth. Leaves used for cough, cold and toothache


Ficus pseudopalma Blanco.

Family: Moraceae

Other name: lamiyog (Bis.),  palm leaf fig (Engl.), lubi-lubi (Tag.)

Description: Unbranched shrub growing  5 meters high. Endemic and widely distributed at low altitudes.

Uses: Young leaves are edible. Decoction of leaves is used to treat diabetes, kidney stones and hypertension.


Family: Sapotaceae

Other name: white nato (Engl.)

Uses: Wood is used as nyatoh for carving, inlaying, cabinet work, picture frames and implements.


Shorea palosapis (Blanco) Merr.

Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: tabak (Souther Tag.),  pura (Bik.),  bayukan (Bulacan)

Uses: Wood used for construction.


Family: Phyllanthaceae

Other name:matang-ulang, torog-turog (Bis.), Indian snowberry (Engl.)

Uses: Bark used to treat fever, tonsillitis and as astringent.



Family: Myrtaceae

Other name: mapinig (Bik.)

Uses:  Wood used for boat making.


Family: Myrtaceae

Other name: tamaulauan (Bis.), Philippine ironwood (Engl.), mancono (Tag.)

Uses:  Sawdust and wood charcoal are used to cure ulcers. The bark is used to treat diarrhea. Timber is considered a luxury and durable wood in the Philippines.


Family: Lamiaceae

Other name: hamindang (Bik.),  kayomkom (Tag.), short flower glorybower (Engl.)

Uses:  Decoction of leaves used as a tonic for stomach troubles.


Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: dalingdingan-banganon (Bohol), barosingsing (Ilk.) dalingding  (S.Tag.)

Uses:  Wood is used for bridges and heavy construction, doors and window frames. 


Pittosporum pentandrum (Blanco) Merr.

Family: Pittosporaceae

Other name: basuit (Ilk.), Pangantoan (Bis.),  Taiwanese cheesewood (Engl.)

Uses:  Decoction of bark used for fever and cough. Fruit juice and decoction used for cleansing wounds.  Wood is used for jewelry beads and as firewood. Fruit yields an essential oil.


Aglaia harmsiana Perk.

Family: Meliaceae

Other name: batukanag (Ilocos Sur), matang-ulang (Bataan), saplungan (Zamboanga).

Description: Native to the Philippines. Small to medium sized tree.

Uses:  The pulp around the seed has a good flavor, somewhat resembling that of the cranberry


Elaeocarpus monocera Cav.

Family: Elaeocarpaceae 


Family: Meliaceae

Other name: papatkon (Palawan), kaniu (Rizal), mata-mata (Sorsogon)

Description: A small tree growing to a height 8-15 meters  high. Distributed throughout the Philippines in dipterocarp forest at low to medium altitudes.

Uses:  Fruits are edible. Wood is sed for house posts, carts, boats, furniture, window sills and agricultural tool.



Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: panasahan(Bik.), balay (Sulu)

Uses:  A general construction timber. It is used in carpentry, panelling, joinery, floors, timber frame houses, boxes, crates and veneer.


Dillenia luzoniensis (S.Vidal) Merr.

Family: Dilleniaceae

Uses: Wood is used in construction, framing and furniture.


Family: Gentianaceae

Other name: false coffee tree (Engl.), balat-buwaya (Tag.)

Uses: A decoction of leaves, bark, roots, and flowers is used for medicinal purposes, mainly as a tonic bath after fever and for pains in the loins. Wood is used for general construction and as firewood.

Flower buds



Afzelia borneensis (Blanco) S.Vidal.

Family: Fabaceae

Other name: ipil darat (Malaysia) tindalo (Tag.)

Uses: Wood used for furniture making.