Showing posts with label Provincial Bamboo Farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Provincial Bamboo Farm. Show all posts

Provincial Bamboo Farm

The Provincial Bamboo Park is located at Barangay Hanawan, Ocampo, Camarines Sur. It is 13 hectares wide with 1 kilometer trail traversing the farm. At present, the farm is home to 15 different bamboo species. The farm continuously collects and produces different indigenous species. When the produced seedlings are already in plantable sizes, these are released and planted in rehabilitation areas around the province under the El Verde Program. 

Bamboo Species

Phyllustachys nigra (Lodd) Munro

Other name: kuro-chiku (Japan)

Uses:  Internally used in treatment of fever, vomiting & nosebleeds. The juice of the stem is antipyretic, antitussive,  expectorant and a sedative.

Culms are used in making furnitures, musical instruments and
handicrafts  and as an ornamental.

Bambusa ventricosa McClure

Uses: Commonly used as ornamental (used as vertical line element in the garden). Known to be the bamboo-of-the-highest calling.

Arundinaria pygmaea (Miq.) Mitf

Other name:pygmy bamboo (English), ke-oroshima–chiku (Japanese)

Uses: A. pygmaea is an aggressive running ground cover. It is also good for holding soil and controlling erosion.

Schizostachyum brachycladum Kurz

Other names: buhong dilaw (Philippines); phai por (Thailand); buluh lemang (Indonesia); buloh lemang (Malaysia)

Uses: Cultivated for ornamental purposes.

Bambusa vulgaris Schrad.

Other name: bamboo ampel (Indonesia); buloh kuning (Peninsular Malaysia); kawayang kiling (Philippines); wanet (Myanmar); phai luang (Thailand)

Uses: It it used in making boats for masts, rudders, outriggers and boating poles and for fencing.

Bambusa vulgaris Schrad ex Wendl var. striata (Lodd. ex Lindl.) Gamble

Other name: green stripe bamboo, golden/yellow bamboo (English)

Uses: Yellow bamboo is cultivated as an ornamental. Also used for fine handicrafts, pipes for small irrigation and for basketry. Its shoots can be eaten.

Dendrocolomus merrf llfanus (Elm.) Elm.

Other name: bayog (Ibanag, Iloko, Sambali,Tagalog), bayugin (Tagalog), botong (Bisaya, Bicol); butong (Panay,Bisaya); kawayan bayog (Pangasinan)

The culms of bayog are used in building construction and furniture and in vehicle shafts or arched poles fitted to the neck of a carabao. The green culms are split and made into ropes. The culms of bayog are also suitable for pulp and paper making.

Bambusa blumeana J.A. and J.H. Schultes

Other name: spiny or thorny bamboo (English); kawayan tinik (Tagalog); marugi (Bikol); phai sisuk (Thailand); fre gai (Vietnam); bambu duri (Indonesia)

Young shoots are eaten as a vegetable. The culms are used for construction, basketry, furniture, parquet, concrete reinforcements, chopsticks, hats and toys. It is planted along river banks to prevent soil erosion. Also as windbreaker and fences in farm area.

Dendrocalamus giganteus Munro

Other name: giant bamboo (English); bambu betung (Indonesia); buloh betong (Malaysia); Phai-tong (Thailand); Mah tong (Vietnam)

Uses: The culms are used as building material for houses and bridges. The young shoots can be eaten as a vegetable.

Shiroshima-inyo (Japan)
Hibanobambusa tranquillans f. Shiroshima H. Okamura

Use: Ornamental.

Variegated dwarf bamboo
Arundinaria argenteostriata (Regel) Ohwi

Uses: Cultivated/planted for ornamental purposes. Also as ground cover to prevent soil erosion.

Dinochloa dielsiana Pilger

Uses: A decoction of the rhizomes makes a refreshing beverage

Schizostachyum lumampao (Blanco) Merrill

Other name: Daso (Bikol)

Uses: The culm is used in making bamboo matting known as “sawali” materials for housing in rural areas. Also commonly used to weave baskets, make fences, spears, fishpens, flutes, handicrafts, construction, plyboo panels and paper pulp.




Useful Tropical Plants Database (2022)  
Retrieved from

Pelser, P.B., J.F. Barcelona & D.L. Nickrent (eds.). (2011-onwards) Co's Digital Flora of the Philippines. Retrieved from

Roxas, C. A. 2012. Handbook on Erect Bamboo Species Found in the Philippines. Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, College, Laguna