Showing posts with label Philippine native trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philippine native trees. Show all posts


Ficus congesta Roxb.

Family: Moraceae

Other name: cluster Fig(English)

Description: A small rainforest fig, is often found growing along edges, creek bank.








Shorea negrosensis Foxw.

Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: lawaang-pula (Mindoro), red lauan (English),

Description:a large tree attaining a height of about 50 meters and a diameter of about 200 cm. Found throught the country. IUCN listed as "Critically Endangered."

Uses: Roots decoction drunk to treat fever. Bark is a source of tannin. Wood is used for construction, furniture, plywood, pulp and paper making. Used for watershed reforestation.


Ficus botryocarpa Miq.
Family: Moraceae
Other name: basikong (Manobo, Bagobo), daing-daing (Tagalog).

Description:A small tree up to 14 m tall. Found in primary and secondary forest up to 1700 m altitude, often along rivers.

Uses: The fruit latex is placed on a boil to effect healing.





Shorea malibato Foxw.

Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: guisok madlao(Leyte), guisok amarillo (Camarines Provinces)

Description:A large tree . Endemic in Leyte, Camarines Provinces, Quezon, Agusan del Norte and Zamboanga common in lowland primary forests.

Conservation status: Critically Endangered (DAO 2017-11) 

Uses: Wood is a high grade timber used as balau. 


Calophyllum pentapetalum (Blanco) Merr.

Family: Calophyllaceae

Other name: pamitaogen (Ilk.), pamitaoyon  (Pang.)

Description: It is a  tree. Found in Luzon Island, Palawan, Panay, Guimaras and in Mindanao.

Uses: Wood is used for construction, flooring, tool handles and making bridges.


Tristaniopsis decorticata (Merr.) Peter

Family: Myrtaceae

Description: It is a small to medium-sized tree up to 10 meters tall. Found in Luzon Island, Palawan and Mindanao common in primary forests at low and medium elevation.

Uses: Wood is used for construction, flooring and tool handle.


Miliusa vidalii J.Sinclair

Family: Annonaceae

Description: A tree growing up to a height of 10m and a diameter of 40cm.  Found throughout the Luzon Island and Palawan.

Uses: Wood used for construction. Ornamental.



Syzygium simile (Merr.) Merr.

Family: Myrtaceae

Other name:  panglongboien (Iloko), malaruhat (Tagalog), arang (Mangyan), muning (Bisaya). 

Description: A small tree up to 15 m tall.. Distributed throghtout Luzon Island, Masbate, Mindoro, Negros and in Mindanao usually found at low to medim elevation. 

Uses: The fruits are eaten raw. Wood is used for house, ship building and farm implements.



Castanopsis philippensis Vid.

Family: Fagaceae

Other name: bating, bayuktuan (Rizal); talakatak (Camarines Provinces), Ulayan (Samar). 

Description: A tree which is usually 15-25m in height and reaches a diameter of 50cm.

Uses: The flavor resembles that of a chestnut. With known medicinal properties and industrial uses for cosmetics.


Chisocheton cumingianus (C.DC.) Harms

Family: Meliaceae

Other name: balokanag (Bikol), makalasa (Negros.),balita (Bukidnun)

Description: Balukanag is a good-sized forest tree, reaching a height of 30 or more meters.  Common in primary forests at low and medium altitudes from Luzon island, Catanduanes, Samar, Leyte, and in Mindanao.

Uses: Seed oil is purgative and used externally for rheumatism. Crushed leaf taken for throat congestion and pain. Pulp used for paper making.


Weinmannia blumei Planch.

Family: Cunoniaceae

Other name: ki merak, gringging  (Indonesia).

Description: It is a small to medium-sized tree up to 25 m tall. The bole is up to 60 cm in diameter, sometimes with small buttresses.

Uses: Wood is used for beams, paneling and furniture.


Myristica simiarum A. DC.

Family: Myristicaceae

Uses: Seed oil and bark are used for itches and mild skin diseases.


Nauclea orientalis (L.) L.

Family: Rubiaceae

Other name: mambog (Bik.), bulabangkal, kabag(Bis.), cheesewood, pin cushion tree (Engl.)

Uses: Timber for light construction and frames. Leaves a source of red dye. Fruits can be eaten. Also can be used for coughs, colds, stomach pains, and diarrhea, leaves used for boils and tumor.

Description: N. orientalis is a medium to tall tree, reaching maximum height of around 30 meters high. Found throughout the country chiefly in secondary forests at low and medium elevation. Usually grow near bodies of water, as they prefer alluvial soils.


Pterocarpus indicus Willd.

Family: Fabaceae

Other name: asana (Tag.), daitanag (Pamp.), rosewood (Engl.)

Uses: Highly preferred for furniture making. Young leaves used to treat boils, prickly heat and ulcers.

Description: A large deciduous tree grows up to 30 meters high or more. It is widely distributed throughout South East Asia and the Pacific at an elevation of up to 600 meters. It is classified as Vulnerable in IUCN Red List of threatened species.


Family: Combretaceae

Other name: Indian almond, beach almond (Engl.), lugo (Ilk.), banilak (Pamp.)

Description: Talisay is a large, deciduous tree, reaching a height of 20 to 35 meters high. Found throughout the Philippines along seashores.

Uses: Kernels are edible. Fruit is used as purgative. Leaves used to treat hepatitis, dermatitis and for deworming. Bark decoction is used to treat gonorrhea and stomach cramps. Wood can be used for construction of boats, bridges, crates, planks and water troughs.


Xanthostemon speciosus Merr.

Family: Myrtaceae


Ficus variegata Blume.

Family: Moraceae

Description: A tall, spreading tree common in primary forests at low and medium altitudes from Cagayan to Sorsogon in Luzon, in Palawan and Mindanao.

Uses: Young shoot-tips and young fruits are eaten raw or cooked. Leaves are used as topical for boils.


Terminalia nitens C.Presl

Family: Combretaceae

Other name: dalinsi (Tagalog, magtalishai (Bikol), anegep (Iloko), kalaotit (Igorot).

Description: Terminalia nitens is a large, evergreen tree that can grow up to 50 meters high. It can be found throughout the Philippines in primary forests at low to medium elevation. The plant is classified as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(2013).

Uses: The tree is a source of tannins and wood for construction materials and wood craft.


Family: Phyllanthaceae

Other name: wild cherry (Engl.), Isip (Pamp.), bignay-kalabaw (Tag.)

Uses: Fruits made into jam, fermented into vinegar, wine and brandy. Leaves when young are edible, eaten raw, source of calcium and fair source of iron. Leaves decoction is used for anemia and hypertension. Juice of fruits used for heart disease. Fruit is a source of blue dye.



Family: Ebenaceae

Other name: sea ebony(Engl.), kanomoi (Bik.), kamami (Tag.) sweet calamus (Engl.)

Uses: The fruit and bark contain an anaesthetic substance. Wood is used for furniture, rifle butts, pole and posts.