Pangium edule Reinw.

Family: Salicaceae

Other name: football fruit (Engl.)



Family: Apocynaceae

Other name: halibutbut, sakang-manuk (Bik.), pandakaki-puti (Tag.) banana bush (Engl.)

Uses: Leaves used to treat itchy skins lesions. Leaf juice applied for wound.


Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: duyong (Ilk.) lauan-puti (Tag.), apis-apis (N. Ecija)

Uses: The trunk is the source of a resinous oil known as 'Palosapis oil' used as an illuminant for varnishing, and for caulking boats. Wood used for flooring, boxes and crates, interior paneling, joinery, turnery and veneer.


Family: Hypericaceae

Other name: guyong-guyong (Tag.),  ugingan (Ilk.),  biro (Negros.)

Uses: Decoction of roots, leaves, and bark is given to women after giving birth. Leaves used for cough, cold and toothache