Pittosporum pentandrum (Blanco) Merr.

Family: Pittosporaceae

Other name: basuit (Ilk.), Pangantoan (Bis.),  Taiwanese cheesewood (Engl.)

Uses:  Decoction of bark used for fever and cough. Fruit juice and decoction used for cleansing wounds.  Wood is used for jewelry beads and as firewood. Fruit yields an essential oil.


Aglaia harmsiana Perk.

Family: Meliaceae

Other name: batukanag (Ilocos Sur), matang-ulang (Bataan), saplungan (Zamboanga).

Description: Native to the Philippines. Small to medium sized tree.

Uses:  The pulp around the seed has a good flavor, somewhat resembling that of the cranberry


Elaeocarpus monocera Cav.

Family: Elaeocarpaceae 


Family: Meliaceae

Other name: papatkon (Palawan), kaniu (Rizal), mata-mata (Sorsogon)

Description: A small tree growing to a height 8-15 meters  high. Distributed throughout the Philippines in dipterocarp forest at low to medium altitudes.

Uses:  Fruits are edible. Wood is sed for house posts, carts, boats, furniture, window sills and agricultural tool.