Family: Phyllanthaceae

Other name: kanderi besar (Indonesia)

Uses: Leaves decoction is used to treat skin itchiness.  The timber is  used in house posts and small tools handle. 


Family: Fabaceae

Other name: yellow flame tree (Engl.) copperpod (Engl.) soga (Indonesia)

Uses: Flowers used to induce sleep and treatment for insomnia. Bark used for dysentery, as eye lotion and embrocating for pains and sores. Leaf decoction used for skin disorders. Bark used for Tannin and Dyestuff. leaves use as fodders and source of green manure.




Family: Burseraceae

Other name: malapili (Polillo Is.),  milipili (Bik.), Manila elemi (Engl.)

Uses: The seed kernels are used for food, both raw and cooked.  Its essential oil has medicinal properties.


Family: Burseraceae

Other name: Philippine nut,  galip nut (Engl.), pilauai (Tag.)

Description: Medium-sized to large reaching up to 30 meters.

Uses: Pili nut kernel and pulp are edible. Resin (Manila elemi). Pharmaceutical and industrial uses.