Palaquium foxworthyi Merr.

Family: Sapotaceae

Other name: fullon, falluha bulon (Ifugao)

Description: A large tree that can  grow up to 45 meters high. Dense in primary forests.
Near threatened based on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Uses: Wood used for furniture, paneling, joinery, flooring, light carpentry, molding and veneer.



 Family: Rubiaceae


Atuna racemosa Rafin.

Family: Chrysobalanaceae

Other name: botga (Philippines)

Uses: The inner bark is used to treat high blood pressure. The timber is used for posts, poles, light construction and canoe spars.



Family: Annonaceae

Other name: hilagak (Tag.), allagat (Ilk.),  kalak (Indonesia).

Uses: Fruits are edible.  Root and wood decoction is used to treat intermittent fever and after childbirth. Bark has medicinal properties.