Family: Byttneriaceae

Other name: bikong (Ilk.), panampat (Pamp.), taag (Tag.)

Description: A  medium sized tree growing up to 15 meters high with a dense rounded crown. Common in dense secondary forests and deserted clearings at low to medium altitudes throughout the Philippines.

Uses: Young leaves, sprouts, and flowers eaten as vegetable. Decoction of leaves used for scabies and itching and all forms of dermatitis. Crush leaves rubbed on forehead to relieve headache. Straight branches used for making ornamental pieces, house rafters, and pole.


Family: Sterculiaceae

Other name:bangat (Zambales), marakapas (Ilk.), tagungtungan (Bis.)

Description: A medium to large tree sometimes reaching 50 meters in height. Usually scattered in tropical evergreen to moist mixed deciduous lowland forest but may extend to lower montane forest at 1000 meters altitude.

Uses: Wood is used for light construction.


Family: Combretaceae

Other name: bangkaluang; dalinsi; magtalisay (Tag.) 

Description: talisay-gubat is an evergreen tree with an irregular but compact it can grow up to 45 meters high.  Observed in dense primary forests, growing hillsides and ridges  with on clayey to sandy soils at the elevations up to 200 meters.

Uses:  Wood is used for house construction, cabinet works and making bancas. Bark yields a yellow dye.


Family:  Primulaceae

Other name: kolen (Ilk.), katagpo (Pamp., Tag.), shoebutton ardisia (Engl.)

Description: A small tree of about 10 meters high Common in primary forests at low and medium up to 1,000 meters altitude. Endemic to the Philippines.

Uses:  The fresh leaves are applied to the head for headache. Decoction of young leaves or fresh roots are used for cleansing ulcers and infected wounds.