Family: Ebenaceae

Other name: kabag (Isab.) talang gubat (Tag.)

Description: An evergreen medium-sized tree grows up to 23 meters high. Found in lowland mixed in dipterocarp forest.

Uses: Fruits are edible. Bark and Leaves used as blistering plasters, leaves decoction used for fever, asthma and diabetes. Considered best commercial black ebony.


Litsea philippinensis Merr.

Family: Lauraceae

Other name: batsan (Tagalog)

Description: Litsea philippinensis is a medium-sized evergreen tree that can grows up to 20 meters high. Found throughout the Philippines in primary forest at low and medium altitudes.

Uses: Wood used for light construction.



Hopea plagata (Blanco) Vidal.

Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: lipgai (Ilk.), kamantala (Tag.), apurao (Zambales), balato (Bohol)

Description: A large evergreen tree  that grows up to 55 m tall. Classified as 'Critically Endangered' in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2013.

Uses: Wood produces high quality lumber.



Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: lipgai (Ilk.) kamantala(Tag.) apurao (Zambales)

Description: A medium-sized to large tree grows up to 36 m high. Commonly widespread in evergreen dipterocarp forest up to 600 m altitude.

Uses: Wood is used for bridges and heavy construction for which wood of great strength is required.