Family: Bignoniaceae

Other name: bueng (Pamp.), dalaw (Ilk.), lubigan (Tag., Bis.), sweet calamus (Engl.)

Uses: Ornamental.



Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Other name: white meranti, yellow lauan (Engl.)

Uses:  Wood is used in furniture, fittings, construction and plywood. 


Family: Bignoniaceae

Othe name: kalupuing(Tag.), Pata del monto (Tag.), Lowland fox-glove tree (Engl.)

Description: It is an evergreen tree that grows up to 40 meters high  found in lowland primary to secondary forests up to 1,600 meters of altitude.

Uses: The wood is used to make match-boxes and match-sticks. Makes for good ornamental plant.


Family: Capparaceae

Other name: banugan (Bis.),salingbobog (Bis., Tag.) (Tag.), spider plant (Engl.)

Description: A small, slow-growing deciduous tree that grow up to 9 meters high. This species has a wide distribution from India to the Pacific Islands.

Uses: Fruit is used as spice with a taste like garlic. Leave used to increase appetite and assist digestion, increase bile secretion and as laxative. Ornamental.