Chisocheton cumingianus (C.DC.) Harms

Family: Meliaceae

Other name: balokanag (Bikol), makalasa (Negros.),balita (Bukidnun)

Description: Balukanag is a good-sized forest tree, reaching a height of 30 or more meters.  Common in primary forests at low and medium altitudes from Luzon island, Catanduanes, Samar, Leyte, and in Mindanao.

Uses: Seed oil is purgative and used externally for rheumatism. Crushed leaf taken for throat congestion and pain. Pulp used for paper making.


Weinmannia blumei Planch.

Family: Cunoniaceae

Other name: ki merak, gringging  (Indonesia).

Description: It is a small to medium-sized tree up to 25 m tall. The bole is up to 60 cm in diameter, sometimes with small buttresses.

Uses: Wood is used for beams, paneling and furniture.


Myristica simiarum A. DC.

Family: Myristicaceae

Uses: Seed oil and bark are used for itches and mild skin diseases.


Nauclea orientalis (L.) L.

Family: Rubiaceae

Other name: mambog (Bik.), bulabangkal, kabag(Bis.), cheesewood, pin cushion tree (Engl.)

Uses: Timber for light construction and frames. Leaves a source of red dye. Fruits can be eaten. Also can be used for coughs, colds, stomach pains, and diarrhea, leaves used for boils and tumor.

Description: N. orientalis is a medium to tall tree, reaching maximum height of around 30 meters high. Found throughout the country chiefly in secondary forests at low and medium elevation. Usually grow near bodies of water, as they prefer alluvial soils.