Tristaniopsis decorticata (Merr.) Peter

Family: Myrtaceae

Description: It is a small to medium-sized tree up to 10 meters tall. Found in Luzon Island, Palawan and Mindanao common in primary forests at low and medium elevation.

Uses: Wood is used for construction, flooring and tool handle.


Miliusa vidalii J.Sinclair

Family: Annonaceae

Description: A tree growing up to a height of 10m and a diameter of 40cm.  Found throughout the Luzon Island and Palawan.

Uses: Wood used for construction. Ornamental.



Syzygium simile (Merr.) Merr.

Family: Myrtaceae

Other name:  panglongboien (Iloko), malaruhat (Tagalog), arang (Mangyan), muning (Bisaya). 

Description: A small tree up to 15 m tall.. Distributed throghtout Luzon Island, Masbate, Mindoro, Negros and in Mindanao usually found at low to medim elevation. 

Uses: The fruits are eaten raw. Wood is used for house, ship building and farm implements.



Castanopsis philippensis Vid.

Family: Fagaceae

Other name: bating, bayuktuan (Rizal); talakatak (Camarines Provinces), Ulayan (Samar). 

Description: A tree which is usually 15-25m in height and reaches a diameter of 50cm.

Uses: The flavor resembles that of a chestnut. With known medicinal properties and industrial uses for cosmetics.