Family: Bombacaceae

Other name: re silk-cotton tree, Indian cottonwood (Engl.)

Uses: Bark, flowers and leaves known to have therapeutic uses. Ornamental.


Celtis luzonica  Warb.

Family: Cannabaceae

Other name: malaikmo (Southern Tagalog)

Uses: Wood is used in construction,  furniture and box lumber.



Family: Euphorbiaceae

Other name: banukalad (Tag.), lumbang tree,  Philippine tung tree (Engl.)

Uses: Seed is used as purgative. Oil used for treatment of burns, scalds, wounds, and parasitic skin diseases.


Syzygium polycephaloides (C.B.Rob.) Merr.

Family: Myrtaceae

Other name: amhi (Bik.), baligang (Tag., Bik.),  maigang (Leyte), atu-ang (Ifugao.)

Uses: Fruits eaten raw or cooked, used in making wine, jellies and beverages. Leaf decoction used for hypertension. Wood is used for general construction.